Size: 100x70 cm

Canvas, mixed technique

Style: Symbolism

Year of creation: 2016


Painting on a stretcher, not framed. If necessary, can be removed from the frame. The sides of the picture are painted. It is possible to order a reproduction. The picture symbolises children's perception of the world and life in general. All people, sometime in their childhood, used to look at the world and see how beautiful and magical it is. Everyone used to believe in miracles. Unfortunately, growing up, some of us lose this ability, and this is a sad fact because the world has not changed. The world is still as beautiful as it was when we were children. It is we who no longer see it that way. But we can open our eyes again, open our hearts and see. The butterflies depicted in the painting are a symbol of the soul, of immortality and rebirth, of the capacity for transformation and transfiguration. The rainbow is a symbol of the great diversity of people and cultures. It is one of the most important symbols in world religions. For example, in the Bible it symbolises the union between God and man, transformations, and different mental states. The sun in most cultures is a symbol of creative energy and a symbol of light that can dispel darkness.